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wildlflower gardeners     The Wye Marsh Gardeners work in the gardens every Thursday from 10am to 12pm."Brown bag" lunch and meetings as required follow from 12pm noon to 1pm. The WILDFLOWER Gardeners remain active during th
Relevance: 100%
Shop Wye Marsh We are excited to offer select products online at this time! Please place your orders online below.  'Marsh-side' pick-up (free) or  local delivery to Midland, Tay, Tiny, or Penetang is available ($5.00) is availabl
Relevance: 63%
Escape, Explore, Experience Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre The Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre is located on 3,000 acres of Provincially Significant Wetlands and woodlands in Tay, Ontario in the Heart of Georgian Bay. Visitors of all ages and abilities are en
Relevance: 37%
Partners & Supporters Our Partners Canadian Wildlife Services – Environment Canada Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Township of Tay Wye Marsh Association of Woodcarvers WILDFLOWER Gardeners The Hilliardton Marsh Canadian Wil
Relevance: 36%
midland - penetang field naturalists Meet on the third Thursday at 7:30pm of each month at the Wye Marsh Nature Centre For more information on the MPFN outings, meetings, and who they are please visit their website. Click here for t
Relevance: 32%
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