Virtual Programs

Learning online or looking for Virtual programming? 

Our team of enthusiastic Naturalists are excited to share their knowledge and appreciation for the natural world, environmental stewardship virtually. We will bring nature to you!

Programs are available below. Programs are 60 minutes and can be hosted via Zoom or Google Meet. 

Programs are for one class, with up to 35 participants. If you have a larger class, please contact our Education Manager at

Programs have a fee of $100.00 


  • Grade 1: Your 5 Senses

Sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste will all come into play as participants investigate and explore their senses and compare them with those of a snake. Participants will reflect on how their senses help them navigate and enjoy their lives.

  • Grade 2: Living Together

There is amazing diversity on our beautiful planet Earth and every living organism is connected in a complicated web interaction. Students will explore these connections and discover their impact and role in this ever-changing network of life, encouraging us to all live together positively.

  • Grade 3: Diary of a plant

Participants will meet a few of the Wye Marsh plant species and experience what life is like from their prospective. Along the way students will learn major plant components and their functions, environmental challenges, and key connections within the ecosystem. Thuja the cedar is kind and matronly, Acer the maple is grandiose, Nym the waterlily is spunky; they all experience plant life from a unique perspective.

  • Grade 4: Discovering Your Habitat

To explore the basic components of a habitat participants will investigate three species in depth to discover their needs. They will play bingo, kahoot!, and create a sound map to help guide their self exploration of their home or schoolyard habitat and experiencing the interconnectedness of life.

  • Grade 4: Examining Adaptations

With a focus on pollinators and all their amazing adaptations students will partake in discussions on the critical role they play, what it means to be a keystone species, an art activity about adaptations and explore their place, importance, and impact on the ecosystem. Students will also be given the opportunity to problem solve unique concepts and share their discoveries and connections. 

  • Grade 5: The Forces of Fire;  A Friend and Foe

Fire can create extreme and dangerous forces, the impact they have on society can be devastating. Fire is also critical to so much of our daily lives. Participants will discuss the forces created by fire, the impact both positive and negative on our lives and the role that fire plays within ecosystems. Ecosystems are destroyed and created by wildfires and the narrow line that separates these outcomes is often dictated by the human approach to fire and ecosystem management.

  • Grade 6: Classifying Complexity

The biodiversity found on our planet includes an astounding variety of organisms. Participants will learn how to organize this amazing diversity, as well as how and why taxonomists have classified the Earth’s more than 1.4 million identified species. Participants will explore the aquatic ecosystem and its invertebrates and botanical species as they identify unknown species with the help of a dichotomous key. Participants will learn about stewardship practices we have here at Wye Marsh to Manage invasive species and maintain our excellent biodiversity.

  • Grade 7: Cycles Around Us

Cycles exist everywhere in nature. We see it in the changes of the season, natural succession and the life cycles of the animals we see every day. Through interactive activities participants will explore the connections between, food chains, energy transfer, and habitat components both biotic and abiotic. They will be given an opportunity to explore their connections to these cycles and their roles and responsibilities as a human community member.

  • Grade 8: Water Systems

Water conservation is a key link between balancing current and future water needs. Participants will investigate the importance of fresh water to the sustainability of life on earth and will explore the valuable role wetlands play in helping to filter and purify water. They will apply their problem solving skills to design a system and prevent their community from having a water disaster.

  • Grade 8-10: Wetlands

Wetlands are a key component in watersheds. Participants will learn the top four types of Canadian wetlands; Fens, Bogs, Swamps and Marshes, and what makes them unique. They will explore the significant benefits of a marsh and how they affect water quality, discuss threats to water and wetlands and sum their learning up with a Kahoot! 

  • Grade 9 & 10: Conservation & Stewardship 

Review Ecozone classification then discover two facets of conservation and stewardship at Wye Marsh: Investigate why we use birds as an indicator of ecological health and invasive species- the threat they pose to native wildlife and how we manage them at the Marsh. Finally investigate human impact and notice the hidden positive and negative results, discuss trade-offs and explore how you can get involved in stewardship activities in your local community creating a positive impact!

  • All Ages: Wet n' Scaly, Reptiles of Ontario (40 min)

This exciting program provides participants with the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of Ontario's native reptile species. Participants will learn plenty of fun facts and identification tips, as well as discover the importance of environmental stewardship and the role that they can play in helping Ontario's Species at Risk.

  • All Ages: Birds of Prey (40min)

This exciting program will give participants the opportunity to be brought face-to-face with the grace, majesty, power and intelligence of birds of prey. Participants will learn all about the different types of birds of prey, their habitats, adaptations, and life histories, all the while being delighted by these magnificent animals.

*'All ages' programs can be formatted as curriculum-linked or interest based. 

  • Adult General Interest: Birds of Wye Marsh (60min)

 Participants will learn all about the different types of birds that call Wye Marsh home discovering why Wye marsh is a unique and flurishing habitat, look into the history of the Trumpeter swan program, and learn the interesting physiology that allows birds to fly and sing. We will also discuss threats to bird populations and how we can help them.

Booking Request 

Once you have determined details such as date of visit, program choices & duration of stay, kindly fill out the Booking Request Form below or contact our Education Manager at or 705-526-7809 x212 who would be happy to assist you with your planning!

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Would you rather an in person program, either a visit to Wye Marsh or Wye Marsh to come to your school? No problem. Click the links below for more info.