Wildflower Gardeners 
You can still get your favourite native wildflower and plant seeds from the Wye Marsh Wildflower Gardeners!
Wildflower seeds are available for sale below:
All are welcome to join the gardeners, meet new people, and learn more about native wildflowers.
From May - October, the Wye Marsh Wildflower Gardeners work in the gardens every Thursday from 10am to 12pm."Brown bag" lunch and meetings as required follow from 12pm noon to 1pm.
The Wildflower Gardeners remain active during the winter months, meeting every other Thursday at the Wye Marsh Nature Centre for discussions, presentations and workshops. They meet at noon and bring their lunch with the program following.
For more information contact: info@wyemarsh.com
The Story of the Wildflower Gardeners:
In 1987, an enthusiastic group of volunteers with a dream and a New Horizon's grant, began the arduous task of planning and breaking ground for the Wye Marsh wildflower garden. Since then the gardens have continued to expand. As members seek to introduce more indigenous plants, the gardens continue to represent the wildflowers of our area.
As you walk up the pathway to the entrance of the visitors centre of Wye Marsh, you will see five specific areas you can stroll through and enjoy: the flora of Simcoe County; the flora of Ontario; a woodland garden with a pond; a lush herb garden where visitors are encourage to taste and smell; a mixed garden of wildflowers and cultivars attracting bees, birds and butterflies.
Wildflowers offer a refreshing alternative to traditional gardening. Cost and effort are considerably less since there is no need for fertilizing or spraying and planting a mixture of annual and perennial species creates the most natural and long lasting wildflower effect. The most wonderful benefit that both types provide is they reseed themselves at the end of each season. The Wildflower Gardeners are a group of volunteers united by a shared love of wildflowers and the environment in the Georgian Bay region.
They are currently looking for new members to assist during the spring and summer on Thursday mornings to work in the gardens, and in fall and winter to harvest and package seeds and enjoy listening to guest speakers and presentations from fellow members.
This group of volunteers provides Wye Marsh with an invaluable amount of exposure to the wildflower gardening world which we hope to expand on in the future.