School Yard Programs

Wye Marsh comes to you! 

No field trips, no problem. Our team of enthusiastic Naturalists will bring the all the knowldge and fun of our programming to your school yard while following all the protocols that will keep us safe. It is a contactless yard visit. Your class meets us outside in your school yard and we bring everything else that you will need to learn and have fun. 

Programs are 60 minutes in length and $350.00 per class. 

Milage fees apply for distances greater than 35km


  • JK/SK: Ready...Set...Explore!

Participants will explore the world around them as they embark on a discovery hike and investigate the difference between living and non-living things. Participants will be encouraged to explore, question, and share their observations with the group. Combined with a variety of fun and active games and the chance to meet an animal ambassador; this program emphasizes an understanding of, and care for, the natural world accentuating wonder and personal impact.


  • Grade 1: Your 5 Senses

Sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste will all come into play as participants investigate and explore their school yard habitat, discovering its plant and animal inhabitants. Participants will also learn about animal senses as they partake in a variety of fun and interactive sensory games.


  • Grade 2: Living Life Cycles

Participants will assume the role of an animal as they uncover the differences and similarities in physical characteristics, life cycles and behaviours that help it to survive. They will consider the kind of impact they as individuals and a community can have on the health of an environment and its inhabitants. Participants will also take a closer look at the life cycle of a frog and a butterfly through a fun and interactive dress-up activity and a self-guided scavenger hunt discovering and classifying as many life stages as possible in their own schoolyard.


  • Grade 3: Seeds & Needs

Through firsthand exploration of the various plants, both Native and Invasive, that are found in your schoolyard, participants will learn about the roles and interrelationships of plants and animals within an ecosystem. Participants will also learn about plant anatomy, the basic needs of plants, and plant growth through engaging, hands-on games and activities.


  • Grade 4: Discovering Your Habitat

A habitat is a home and it comes in such amazing diversity and needs. During this exciting program participants will investigate what it means for all members of the ecosystem to have a healthy habitat.   Students will explore and form conclusions about the health of their school yard as an ecosystem. Students will partake in active games, conservation activities, and self-discovery as they learn the components of a habitat, and explore their place, importance, and impact on the ecosystem. Students will also be given the opportunity to problem solve unique concepts and share their discoveries and connections.


  • Grade 5: Energy and You!

Students will explore the different forms of energy as essential features of every ecosystem and our day to day lives.  Participants will further go on to explore ways energy is transformed and conserved and why it is important to understand how the amount of energy consumed by humans can have negative impacts.  


  • Grade 6: Hidden Connections

For the energetic group who are eager to explore! Participants will be exploring some of the strategies used by wolves to increase their odds of survival through a high energy game of ‘Wolf Hunt!” In this game, students will learn about interrelationships within wolves which help them survive. Students will be introduced to citizen science through a BioBlitz in the schoolyard! The focus of this activity is understanding the concept of biodiversity, the complex interrelationships between species, and the impacts of humans on the environment.


  • Grade 7: Beat the Heat 

In this half day program participants will explore how heat, as a form of energy affects their daily lives and the environment through active games addressing the particle theory and greenhouse gasses and create shelters to address ways energy is transformed and transferred and the impact this has on people and our planet.


  • Grade 7: Cycles Around Us

Cycles exist everywhere in nature. We see it in the changes of the season, natural succession and the life cycles of the animals we see every day. Through interactive activities participants will explore the connections between, food chains, energy transfer, and habitat components both biotic and abiotic. They will be given an opportunity to explore their connections to these cycles and their roles and responsibilities as a human community member.


  • Grade 8: Water Systems

Water is crucial to life on Earth. Water sustains many systems such as agriculture, transportation, fabrication, and climate. Without sustainable management these systems and more can collapse. Participants will explore what it means to be a stakeholder in a community in a fun and cooperative obstacle course where the goal is that everyone wins. They will also be given the opportunity to investigate direct and indirect injustices to the system and how they might create a positive personal impact.


  • All Grades: Wet n Scaly Demonstration (40 min, weather dependant, $400.00 fee) 

This exciting program provides participants with the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of Ontario's native reptile species. Participants will learn plenty of fun facts and identification tips, as well as discover the importance of environmental stewardship and the role that they can play in helping Ontario's Species at Risk.

-This program is weather dependent.

-This program can also be linked directly to curriculum upon request.


  • All Grades: Birds of Prey Static Demonstration (40 min, $500.00 fee) 

This exciting program will give participants the opportunity to be brought face-to-face with the grace, majesty, power and intelligence of birds of prey. Participants will learn all about the different types of birds of prey, their habitats, adaptations, and life histories.

-This program can also be linked directly to curriculum upon request.


  • All Grades:Snowshoeing (60 min, $350.00 /class + snowshoe rental fee) 

What better way to combine physical activity with the pursuit of nature! With traditional-style snowshoes strapped to their feet students will venture out into their school yard or local green space to learn a new skill, develop balance and Co-ordination through games and experience the wonders that winter holds all while getting some much needed Vitamin N(ature).


Booking Request 

Once you have determined details such as date of visit, program choices & duration of stay, kindly fill out the Booking Request Form below or contact our Education Manager at or 705-526-7809 x212 who would be happy to assist you with your planning!

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Would you rather a visit to Wye Marsh or virtual programming? No problem. Click the links below for more info.