Meet the Creatures

Wye Marsh is home to a wide range of wild birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and mammals. We are also home to a number of reptiles and raptors who are aunable to survive in the wild. 

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Wye Marsh Nature Centre believes that all wild creatures are best left in the wild. All animals at live at Wye Marsh are here because they cannot survive in the wild and they need our care.

Due to our long standing reputation of excellence with regards to  care in our Display Hall & Birds of Prey Field, we are occasionally asked by enforcement, animal care partners or licenced rehab facilities to permanently house reptiles, amphibians and birds of prey (raptors) that have been deemed un-releasable.

The Wye Marsh Nature Centre does not rehabilitate wildlife for release.

We neither have the facilities nor the required permits to do so. The creatures that are here at our facility simply could not survive in the wild due to permanent injuries or inadequate life skills training at a young age.

At the Wye Marsh Nature Center we are proud to offer the finest available long-term care facilities for those in our care. Our Wildlife Care staff continually strive to provide for these creatures an enriched, active and respectful life. Ultimately these fascinating creatures have become Animal Ambassadors who educate our visitors and outreach groups on their species, habitats, and more.